Are you one of those users who prefer to read free books on the internet rather than paying money for it? Well, there is nothing wrong in that because you can download any book that you like on your computer for free. However, it will be a little complicated if you will try to download your favorite novel and eBook onto your phone, because you cannot directly install the files on your Android device. As a result, you must use AnyBooks-Read Free Books, Novels & Stories.
This free application is widely used by all users. The main advantage of using this application is that it will help you download your favorite novel and eBooks on your Android device easily. To do this, you will have to install this application on your Android. After this, you need to connect your computer to your phone via USB cable. After this, you will have to copy the downloaded files from your computer to your device. If you wish to receive these files directly in your phone, you will have to scan the QR code and then install the application on your phone.
In order to use AnyBooks-Read Free Books, Novels & Stories, you must be connected to the internet. As a result, the device will automatically install the application on your phone. Apart from downloading book files, you can also browse through the internet and download videos, movies, music or documents. The next time when you are online, you will have to go to AnyBooks-Read website and click on the links to download the files. This will allow you to read free books, novels and eBooks on your phone.